We report a case applied to our clinic with complains of red, itchy exanthema which occured 1 week ago and rapidly spread all over the body of an 18 year old female. In her dermatological examination, detected are nummular shaped, eczematous, sharply bordered, erythematous plaque lesions with a diameter of 1,5 cm, the sides of which lesions are slihtly elevated than the level of the skin. In the direct microscopic examination, numerous hypha and spores are observed. Punch biopsy specimen from the lesions on her arm was taken and sent for histopathological examination with the prediagnosis of tinea corporis, nummuler eczema and atypical pitriazis rosea. Histopathological examination revealed hyphea and spores staining with PAS on the str. corneum. The case has been evaluated as inflammatory type tinea corporis by clinical, direct microscopic and histopathological findings. Treatment has started with short term corticosteroid, 250 mg/day terbinafine and ketoconazole shampoo. After antifungal therapy, there was decrease in the lesions. That the inflammatory type tinea corporis can spread rapidly with multiple lesions and also mimic eczematous lesions must always be remembered.