Cosmetical procedures like fillers can also aggravate more generalized skin conditions or connective tissue disease. Connective tissue disease has been reported to occur following cosmetic surgery with injection of the foreign substances paraffin and silicone. However, the vast majority of patients with connective tissue disorders have great concerns over changing facial features, and this worsens with age. Scleroderma en coup de sabre, morphea, discoid lupus erythematosus lesions are disfiguring diseases for which only limited therapeutic options exist for cutaneous complications. Fillers, botulinum toxins, autologous fat transplantation and lasers were succesfully used to correct the atrophic and scatricial defects during inactive period of connective tissue disorders. Cosmetic correction of stable connective tissue disorders using several techniques has been variably effective in isolated case reports and small case series. The score systems are used to measure connective tissue disorders activity. The evaluation of serum levels of acute phase reactants may be a sensitive marker of connective tissue disease activity which may be helpful in maintaining or withdrawing cosmetical procedures in patients with connective tissue disorders.