Bullous pemphigoid is an autoimmune subepidermal blistering disease that most commonly arise in older adults. Bullous pemphigoid is extremely rare in children. Patients were 6- month girl and 6-year old boy admitted to the hospital because of diffuse erythematous plaques and blisters. Biopsies were taken. Topical and oral corticosteroid treatments were started. Childhood BP is similar to adult BP but differs in some features such as palm, soles, mucosal and genital involvement. Treatment may include local and systemic steroid with or without combination with dapsone, sulfapyridine and mycophenolate mofetil. BP should be in mind when a child with erythematous plaques, vesicles and blisters on the palm, soles and body.
Bullous pemphigoid, case report, child, infant