Case Report

Nevus Lipomatosus Cutaneous Superficialis: A Case Report with Histologic Findings

  • Mohammad Reza Ranjkesh
  • Quadim H. Herizchi
  • Neda Yousefi

J Turk Acad Dermatol 2009;3(1):0-0


A 22-year old woman presented with a 12-year history of masses on her lower abdomen. The lesions started as a single lump and increased in number and size for 6 years, and remained unchanged thereafter. The histologic examination confirmed ectopic mature adipose tissue within dermis that supported the clinical diagnosis of nevus lipomatosis. Because of the cosmetic point of view, the patient underwent staged excision until she was free of lesions.

Keywords: nevus lipomatosus, ectopic adipose tissue, young adult