
Collodion Baby

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  • Aydın İşçimen
  • Özer Pehlivan

J Turk Acad Dermatol 2008;2(2):0-0


The term collodion baby is used for newborns in whom all the body surface is covered by thick skin sheets, so called “collodion membrane”. The collodion membrane is the result of an epidermal developmental dysfunction. The collodion membrane is composed of thick skin sheets which resemble translucent, tight parchment paper. In almost all of the collodion membrane cases an autosomal recessive ichthyosiform disease is implicated. Especially, in cases of lamellar ichthyosis, congenital ichthyosiform erythroderma and harlequin ichthyosis frequent association with collodion baby formation has been well documented. Clinically, the collodion babies may encounter dehydration, electrolyte imbalance, temperature malfunction and increasing sepsis risk because of a relatively severe skin damage. Therefore, morbidity and mortality rates are fairly high in these cases. Conclusively, these newborns should be monitored carefully in intense care units and appropriate and supportive treatment must be undertaken.

Keywords: collodion baby, ichthyosis