Case Report

Terra Firma-Forme Dermatosis and Dermatoscopic Findings: Case Report


  • Ayşegül Yalçınkaya İyidal
  • Arzu Kılıç

J Turk Acad Dermatol 2016;10(2):0-0


Terra firma-forme dermatosis (TFFD) is an acquired dermatosis with an unknown etiology characterized by dirt-like brownish-gray reticular, verrucose or papillomatous patchy or plaque lesions. This lesion is also called Duncan’s dirty dermatosis and it most commonly occurs on neck and trunk. Abnormal or delayed keratinization has been implicated in the pathogenesis. The most prominent feature of this dermatosis is that the lesions cannot be removed with routine soap and water washing but subside on rubbing with isopropyl alcohol or ethyl alcohol. The treatment of this lesion occurs at the time of diagnosis, and when the diagnosis is kept in mind, unnecessary biopsies and tests would be avoided. To date, dermatoscopic findings have not been reported in case reports published in the literature. In current report, a 15-year-old girl with TFFD on the abdomen and associated dermatoscopic findings are presented.

Keywords: Terra Firma-Forme, Dermatoscopy