Case Report

Development of Pigmented Macules During Vitiligo Treatment with Vitix® Gel


  • Esra Adışen
  • Selda Ünal
  • Murat Orhan Öztaş
  • Mehmet Ali Gürer

J Turk Acad Dermatol 2016;10(4):0-0


Topical application of preparations containing superoxide dismutase and catalase in the treatment of vitiligo has a recent onset. Till the present time no such adverse reaction has been reported. In this article we present a case who developed pigmented macules with distant localization to depigmented patches during therapy with a plant extract containing superoxide dismutase and catalase (Vitix®). This is the first report of an adverse effect of Vitix® in the English language literature. Patients with facial vitiligo should be warned of this possibility.

Keywords: Antioxidants, hyperpigmentation, topical therapy, Vitix ®, vitiligo